Monday, December 22, 2008

Next on Graze Anatomy....

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This week on "Graze Anatomy"....

Since Sami Sultan's snowboarding injury, his shoulder continued to endure homosexual hits and sprains from wrestling, and it finally could take no more. The fourth child of the Sultan household will be having surgery this Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2008, at the butt crack of dawn.

Sami will be unable to perform all the things he once did for approximately 6 months or more: snowboarding, wrestling little boys, being a ninja, kayaking, rock climbing, parkouring (aka free running), zorbing, showering, tying his shoes, etc.

However, things he can do are the following: karaoke, looking fabulous, singing, sleeping, snoring, saying "that's what she said," watch Family Guy, compliment Judy, etc.

Meanwhile on "Graze Anatomy," McFreaky, the head surgeon, will be making out like crazy with the head nurse (haha head nurse) on the operating table while performing the surgery. The other doctors will be talking about really important things going on in their lives like who took my lunch that I put in the hospital fridge and clearly marked with my name? And who is the father of the child who I thought I concieved with the dead guy but turns out it isn't actually his?

This and more on the next...."Graze Anatomy."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

ode to finals

Ah, finals. A chance to prove your intellectual prowess after months of instruction. The culminating event of the semester in academia. Sounds good. EXCEPT IT’S NOT.

Finals suck! For some classes, the only thing the final will test is your ability to memorize tons and tons of inconsequential information. For others, months of material is crammed into less than 20 questions.

Here's an equation demonstrating finals time:


that's all.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I Didn't Know Lid Was A Poet!

Even though I could never be as poetic as Lid (click here to see why), I thought I would write a haiku to express how the world feels (or should feel) about him:
a voice like Celine
lid purrs into the mic and
he has sexy legs